Why is everyone not moving to Compliant Design?

Why is everyone not moving to Compliant Design?

Compliant mechanisms have been proven extremely potential for the future of technology. Our previous post mentions Compliant Mechanism: Advantages & Challenges . Despite this fact, why is everyone not moving to compliant designs? Let us now see some of the challenges faced while moving to the new design concept.

1. Non linear equations hence difficult to model

Compliant mechanisms include flexible links which undergo large deflections. Due to this, traditional linearized beam equations are no longer valid. Nonlinear equations must be used that account for the geometric nonlinearity caused by large deflections. Compliant mechanism analysis and design need specific expertise different from that related to rigid-body mechanisms.

2. Combination of complex systems

Many compliant mechanisms are not single-part mechanisms but are a combination of compliant and rigid body parts. This increases the design complexity.

3. Potentially limited motion in compliant systems

The motion from the deflection of compliant links is limited by the strength of the deflecting component. Unlike a pin joint, a compliant link is unable to reproduce a continuous rotational motion. This needs to be taken into account in the design process.

4. Fatigue life understanding/design necessary

Compliant members are loaded cyclically when a compliant mechanism is used. It is therefore essential to design those members such that they will have sufficient fatigue life to perform their prescribed functions.

5. The ‘status quo’ mindset in design teams

Due to these challenges, it is easy for most of the design teams to stick to traditional design methods and not explore the Compliant Design alternatives. To some extent this is understandable unless some expert guidance and advice is readily available. This is where CMDE Labs builds new design philosophy by providing the expertise. Let’s meet over a call to nullify your problems!!

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